Autor: Admin

Urban Oasis Library

Urban Oasis Library

Status :  Open Competition, 2023 Client : Jung-gu Office Location : Daegu, Korea Program : Public Library Site/GFA : 2.500 m² / 11.570 m² Team : Honghwan Lee Collaborator : Namyang Architects, Gutsein Architects  



Status :  1 Prize, Open Competition, 2023 Client : National Agency for Administrative City Construction Location : Sejong, Korea Program : Education, Public, Openspace Site : 169.454 m² Team : Soyeong Han, Honghwan Lee, Minji Shin Collaborator : Toomoon Architects & Engineers    

R&D Center in Schweinfurt

R&D Center in Schweinfurt

Status :  Completed, SD, 2022 Client : ILJIN GmbH Location : Schweinfur, Germany Program : R&D Center Site/GFA : 15.400 m² / 3.860 m² Team : Jiyeong Seo, Jihye Choi, Soyeong Han Collaborator : Sicht Vision    



Status :  Open Competition, 2022 Client : Geochang County Office Location : Geochang, Korea Program : Public Office Site/GFA : 9.400 m² / 13.90 m² Team : Soyeong Han, Jiyeong Seo, Jihye Choi    

Sejong Education Complex

Sejong Education Complex

Status: Design Study, 2022 Client: National Agency for Administrative City Construction Location: Sejong, Korea Program: School, KITA, Science Center Site / GFA: 5.6 ha / 21.700 m² Team: Jiyoung Seo, Jihye Choi

K-2 Masterplan

K-2 Masterplan

BAEK Architekten won the 1st prize in the International Urban Design Competition for the previous site of airbase, K-2. The K-2 site has been used as a military airport since the early 1900’s and has been used for military use and normal passengers to this […]



Status :  International Open Competition, 2021 Client : Jinju Office Location : Jinju, Korea Program : Culture and Exhibition Site/GFA : 4.470 m² / 2.500 m² Team : Jihye Choi, Hyein Han, Chaeun Jung Collaborator : SAC International  

Grünwettersbach Masterplan

Grünwettersbach Masterplan

Status: Finalist, Open Competition, 2020 Client: City of Karlsruhe Location: Karlsruhe, Germany Program: Masterplan, Residential Site / GFA: 5.3 ha / 11.752 m² Team: Markus Kaltenbach, Hyesung Ryu  

Hee Jae Lee

Hee Jae Lee

Principal l Cand. Dr.-Ing. Architekt Founder  l Research Studio URBARCHISM   Membership Registered Architect at the Chamber of Architects in Berlin, Germany, No. 16972 DGNB Consultant at the German Sustainable Building Council   Education 2020- PhD Candidate at KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany  2018-2020 […]

Han Yeol Baek

Han Yeol Baek

Founder l Dipl.-Ing. Architekt Univ. Professor l Hannam University   Membership Registered Architect at the Chamber of Architects in Berlin, Germany, No. 15772   Education 2015 PhD Scholarship of Kwanjeong Educational Foundation 2009-2011 Diplom in Architecture with DAAD-Scholarship at Stuttgart University, Germany 2008 Big Tree Design […]

Life Care Center is under construction!

Life Care Center is under construction!

Status: 1st Prize, Competition, 2020 Completion: expected in Mai 2022 Client: Daegu Health College Location: Daegu, Korea Program: Research, Office Site / GFA: 3.420 m² / 8.400 m² Team: Changhui Ryu, Soojin Moon Collaborator: SAIDAA Architects, Sigong Architects  

Public Office

Public Office

Status :  In Progress, Design Study, 2020 Client : – Location : – Program : R&DC Site/GFA : – Team : – Collaborator : –

Research & Development Center

Research & Development Center

Status :  In Progress, 2020 Client : – Location :  – , Germany Program : R&DC Site/GFA : – Team : – Collaborator : –

Dempusey Kaserne

Dempusey Kaserne

Status : Design Study, 2020 Client : Start Paderborn Location : Paderborn, Germany Program : Massterplan, Reuse of camp base Site/GFA : 16 ha / – Team : Markus Kaltenbach, Vanessa Dietz, Changhui Ryu, Hyesung Ryu Collaborators : Prof. Stefan Tischer       l […]

Traditional Education Center

Traditional Education Center

Status :  Design Study, 2020 Client : Hongsung-gun Office Location : Hongsung, Korea Program : Public, Education Site/GFA : 2.508 m² / 2.361 m² Team : Hee Jae Lee, Changhui Ryu Collaborater : Sigong Architects       ㅣ · 기존의 골목길과 작은 단위의 요소를 […]

Neuer Wohnraum für Studierenden

Neuer Wohnraum für Studierenden

Status :  Finalist, Invited Competition, 2020 Client : Studierendenwerk Stuttgart AöR Location : Stuttgart, Germany Program : Residentail & Public Site/GFA : 31.870 m² / 11.730 m² Team : Changhui Ryu, Vanessa Dietz Collaborator : SAC International, ifb – thal + huber       […]



Status :  Open Competition, 2020 Client : Gwangju Metropolitan City Location : Gwangju, Korea Program : Library Site/GFA : 31.870 m² / 11.730 m² Team : Changhui Ryu Collaborator : SAIDAA Architects  

Gangnam SOC Center

Gangnam SOC Center

Status :  Completed, Design Study, 2020 Client : Gangnam-gu Office Location : Seoul, Korea Program : Public Site/GFA : 1.178 m² / 3.543 m² Team : Changhui Ryu l 디자인 컨셉 – 조잡하거나 화려한 디자인을 지양하고, 형태 그대로 도시의 다양한 건축물 사이에서 힘을 갖도록 조형 […]

Profil in KR

Profil in KR

백아키텍텐은 2017년 독일 베를린에서 건축가 백한열에 의해 설립되었다. 컨텍스트, 기능, 공간을 건축작업의 주요한 주제로 다루고 있으며, 간결하고 명확한 건축언어를 지향한다. 베를린을 기반으로 하여 전세계에 다양한 다양한 파트너사무소와의 협업으로 도시설계에서 건축디테일까지 다양한 스펙트럼을 가지는 프로젝트를 진행하고 있다.   백 한 열 Dipl.-Ing. Architekt   자격사항 독일 […]

Wohnen und Arbeiten am Bahnhof

Wohnen und Arbeiten am Bahnhof

Status : 2. Round, Invited Competition, 2019 Client : Stadt Soest Location : Soest, Germany Program : Office & Residential Site/GFA : 6,5 ha / 75.000 m² Team : Vanessa Dietz, Changhui Ryu Collaborators : Prof. Stefan Tischer l Wohnen und Arbeiten am Teinenkamp Die […]

Jeju Gallery

Jeju Gallery

Status :  In Progress, Design Study, 2019 Client : Privat Location : – Program : Culture Site/GFA : – Team : – Collaborator : –

Seoul Compact City

Seoul Compact City

Status : International Competition, 2019 Client : Seoul Metropolitan Government Location : Seoul, Korea Program : Multi-Level Complex on the Bukbu Expressway Site/GFA : 7.4 ha / – Team : Vanessa Dietz, Changhui Ryu, Heerim Lee     l   새로운 주거지 개발, 외국기관과의 적극적인 […]

Congraturations! 3rd Prize for the Masterplan Beckersberg

Congraturations! 3rd Prize for the Masterplan Beckersberg

Last Autumn, BAEK Architekten won 3rd prize in an invited competition for the Masterplan of Beckersberg naer Hamburg.  The  competition was launched to redevelop a greenary area into new residentail area. We participated in the competition with Prof. Stefan Tischer Landschaftsarchitekt. 독일 함부르크 Beckersberg 지역 […]

Masterplan Beckersberg

Masterplan Beckersberg

Status : 3 Prize, Invited Competition, 2019 Client : Gemeinde Henstedt-Ulzburg Location : Henstedt-Ulzburg bei Hamburg, Germany Program : Massterplan, Residential Site/GFA : 28 ha / – Team : Florian Greiner, Changhui Ryu, Hyesung Ryu Collaborators : Prof. Stefan Tischer   l Städtebauliche Leitidee Die […]

Vienna Central Node_Production 5.0

Vienna Central Node_Production 5.0

Status :  Open Competition, 2019 Client : Europan Location : Vienna, Austria Program : Mixed-Use, Production, Residential Site/GFA : 1.178 m² / 3.543 m² Team : Martyna Lubiszewska, Donghyun Lee l SCENARIOS The building’s program is oriented on achieving maximum effectiveness of cooperation between education, […]



BAEK Architekten, in cooperation with the Kunhwa Engineering and GS brands, was announced as the 4th Prize winner of the international urban design competition for the Busan Northport redevelopment in Busan, located in the southern part of Korea. 부산 북항 2단계 지역 국제공모전 4위 입상 […]

Busan Northport

Busan Northport

Status : 4 Prize, International Competition, 2019 Client : Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Location : Busan, Korea Program : Reuse of industry port Site/GFA : 140 ha / – Team : Sookyung Ryu Collaborator: KUNHWA Engineering, GS Brands  

Baugebiet Längelter

Baugebiet Längelter

Status : Invited Competition, 2019 Client : Stadt Heilbronn Location : Heilbronn, Germany Program : Masterplan, Residential Site/GFA : 16,9 ha / – Team : Martyna Lubiszewska, Sooyeon Lee, Seungwook Baek Collaborators : Prof. Stefan Tischer   l   Heilbronn als kulturelles sowie wirtschaftliches Zentrum […]

Family Support Center

Family Support Center

Status : Design Study, 2019 Client : Hongsung Goverment Location : Hongsung, Korea Program : Public & administrative Site/GFA : 1.874 m² / 7.905 m² Team : Martyna Lubiszewska

Linz Wegscheid

Linz Wegscheid

Status : Finalist, Open Competition, 2019 Client : LAWOF Landeswohnungsgenossenschast Location : Linz, Austria Program : Masterplan, Residential Site/GFA : 2.4 ha / 28.142 m² Team : Martyna Lubiszewska, Florian Greiner, Sooyeon Cho     l On the construction site in Linz Wegscheid is being […]

Wohnen in der Ortsmitte Reckenfeld

Wohnen in der Ortsmitte Reckenfeld

Status : Invited Competition, 2019 Client : Stadt Greven Location : Greven, Germany Program : Masterplan, Residential Site/GFA : 4.6 ha / – Team : Florian Greiner, Seungwook Baek l Auf dem Entwicklungsgebiet in Reckenfeld entsteht ein identitätsstiftendes, lebendiges Stadtquartier mit einem Vernetzungsbereich. Neben der […]

Seoul Training Center

Seoul Training Center

Status : Open Competition, 2019 Client : Seoul Metropolitan Government Location : Sokcho, Korea Program : Education, Residential Site/GFA : 1.6 ha / 9.600 m² Team : Martyna Lubiszewska, Flonian Greiner   l Context & Idea Architecture, which is surrounded by green areas should not […]



Status : Open Competition, 2019 Client : Stadt Husum Location : Husum, Germany Program : Kindergarten Site/GFA : 4.000 m² / 1.566 m² Team : Sooyeon Lee, Seungwook Baek     l Ein Schmetterling, das Kindern Spaß macht. Ein Baukörper wird in die Reihe öffentlicher […]

Small Manufacturers‘ Support Center

Small Manufacturers‘ Support Center

Status :  Open Competition, 2019 Client : Seoul Metropolitan Government Location : Seoul, Korea Program : Culture and Production Size : 8.400 m² Team : Sooyeon Lee, Florian Greiner, Martyna Lubiszewska     l   계획개념 성수동 수제화 거리는 대한민국의 수도 서울의 지속적인 도시개발에도 불구하고 현재까지 […]

Kreishaus Germersheim

Kreishaus Germersheim

Status :  Invited Competition, 2019 Client : Landkreis Germersheim Location : Germersheim, Germany Program : Administration Building Size : 12.000 m² Team : Martyna Lubiszewska, Florian Greiner, Sooyeon Lee Collaborator : KUULA Landschaftsarchitekten, Bernd Dietrich(PRO ARCHITEKTUR)           l Entwurfsidee Nördlich des Luitpoldplatzes entsteht in Germersheim ein neues […]

Robot Science Museum

Robot Science Museum

Status :  Open Competition, 2019 Client : Seoul Metropolitan Government Location : Seoul, Korea Program : Culture Size : 6.260 m² Team : Martyna Lubiszewska Collaborator : SAC International                         l   4차산업혁명, 로봇과학 및 공간 4차 산업혁명으로 일컬어지는 현대의 […]

Stadtquartier an der Kolmstraße

Stadtquartier an der Kolmstraße

Status : Invited Competition, 2018 Client : Stadt Leipzig Location : Leipzig, Germany Program : Residential & Public Site : 8.4 ha Team : Anika Hofschen Collaborator : Prof. Stefan Tischer l ORT Das ehemalige Industrieareal mit anschließendem Pachtgarten, befindet sich an der Ecke Kolmstr./Holzhäuser Str. […]

2nd Prize on international competion (18.10.02)

2nd Prize on international competion (18.10.02)

International competition for the Master Plan of Incheon Inner Harbor Redevelopment More informations about the competition will be announced soon. 인천 내항 재개발 마스터플랜 국제공모 2등 당선   Please find more information about the competition here.

Interport City

Interport City

Status : 2nd Prize, Limited Competition, 2018 Client : Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Incheon Metropolitan City, LH Cooperation Location : Incheon, Korea Program : Reuse of industry harbor Size : 464 ha Team : Sookyung Ryu, Anika Hofschen Collaborators : ASTOC Architects & Planers, CHEIL Engineering   […]

Double X

Double X

Status : 5 Prize, Open Competition, 2018 Client : Korea Land and Housing Cooperation Location : Ulsan, Korea Program : Residential Size : 8.400 m² Team : Deacon Lee, Hanyoung Lee Collaborators : SAC International       l   공유와 소통의 플랫폼, 더블엑스   함께 사는 […]